The newest firmware for the Noxon Audio player also supports FLAC...
It is available here:

The firmware has to be installed with the Noxon Firmware Manager (if the webinterface of the Noxon is not yet capable - because of a too old version).

Under windows newer windows versions, the XP SP2 compatibility mode has to be used, otherwise the Firmware Manager won't find the Noxon!
Also both the host computer and noxon must be connected to the network, preferrably both using a lan cable, or both wireless.

Today i installed kubuntu on top of Windows7 using Wubi, which creates a linux disc image in the NTFS partition where windows is installed...

The first problem i encountered after installing kubuntu was: "Try hd(0,0):NTFS5: No wubildr" after selecting kubuntu from the boot menu...
This is because Windows7 has an hidden System partition before the actual partition. The bootloader tries to locate the wubildr files, but can not find it at this partition and after some time looks on the second partition, where the wubildr files are copied by the installation.

I just programmed my LPC2148 for reading out my Xbox360 Nand and stumbled over some problems, here the details:

I am using an USB2Serial Adapter from Digitus, it was configured on COM7 (Check Hardware-Details on Windows).

To program the 2148, a RS232 shifter from Sparkfun was used.
After wiring the shifter and the USB board i tried to program using FlashMagic, but i just received an "Failed To Autobaud" message! Then i recognised that the USB board must be powered somehow, which was not written in the nice Tutorial i was using.

This article is about surfing (not only limited to) locally using a remote SSH shell...
The ssh client Putty and Firefox browser are used locally. The remote server must allow SSH connections on an arbitary port...

In Putty use the servers hostname and SSH port as settings, connection type must be SSH.
In the Connection->SSH->Tunnels settings enter a new forwarded port, here 1080 f.e. with destination left empty, Dynamic and Auto. Dynamic is important here, means that the destination can vary.

With the WRT150N it is important to first flash the mini image and then after dd-wrt works you can flash the standard image!

Do not use micro and mega images, as these may brick the router...

After flashing it is possible that the WebInterface is not enabled!
To enable it, connect to the router via telnet (Port 22) and use following username: root and password: admin

You can then simply start the webserver using:
httpd -h /www

And connect to via a browser if the router is directly connected to the computer.

Heute gibt es ein paar Fotos vom CMS Besuch letzte Woche, wir waren in der Kaverne und haben ein paar Fotos gemacht.

Als erstes waren wir im Kontrollraum:

Control Room #1
Control Room #2

Control Room #3

Dann die erste Sicherheits-Drehtür, man kommt nur mit Karte rein:

Security Door

Ich war ein bißchen Laufen am Abend und habe ein paar Fotos von unserem Haus in Thoiry gemacht:

Housing #1

Housing #2
Housing #3

Außerdem ein paar Fotos von uns Sommerstudenten in der Cafeteria am Cern:

Cafeteria #1

Cafeteria #2

Und noch eines mit unserem Vermieter:

When using NoScript Firefox Extension the cern login page does not work as expected and an Cross Side Scripting attach is detected, NoScript stops working...

There is a workaround provided at the Cern TWiki, just found it using google in an Cern Computing Newsletter, seems that more people than me have the same problem;)

PS: I hate being forced to use IE;)

Another helpful thread is on how to setup a Scientific Linux on a VMWare...
Still there are not many details written, will be added.

Der Tag gestern war irgendwie ein bißchen katastrophal;) Zwischenzeitlich aber auch ganz nett...
Zuerst sind wir ca um halb beim Zug angekommen, unsere Plätze waren schon besetzt, und es war keine Reservierung angebracht! Wir mussten dann mit einer renetenten alten Frau rumstreiten dass wir da reserviert haben und Sie sich bitte schleichen soll;)

Der Schaffner hat das dann übernommen... (nach 10 min stehen im engen Gang mit 1000 Leuten die vorbei wollten)

SFV Checker is a program that can be used to verify, for example, .rar archives using .sfv files.

Already some programs which can do the job are existing.

What's new is, that multiple .sfv files can be added to the queue of SFV Checker, so you can just drag some files to the queue and wait for SFVChecker to do the job!

Also it is written with QT and runs under mac, linux and windows.

Currently only the windows version is ready to download. The other versions will be posted when i have time to setup the build environments or when people request;)